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USA Today

As an intern on the investigations desk, I contributed reporting to “Trust Fund Raiders,” a special report that examined cases of trust fund fraud with 10 nursing home caretakers. I researched and reported on three other investigative pieces, including a story on the spread of MRSA, and I wrote a piece for the breaking news desk about the "Knockout Game."

Breaking News & Investigations

Breaking News

These hyper-local news sites, which get many news tips from a police scanner, introduced me to a fast-paced breaking news environment. Over the summer of 2014, I wrote more than 35 stories (profiles of entrepreneurs, a story on food trucks and city construction, a long feature on public art) for and In August 2014, I scooped a story on “Love Locks” on the Key Bridge in D.C. This story for alerted the Washington Post to the phenomenon. 

The Takoma Park Voice

For this online news source in Takoma Park, Maryland, I reported on the city government (two years prior to working as the city’s arts coordinator) and wrote features on residents. I covered a range of subjects -- from the city’s Safe Grow Ordinance to curbside composting. I also wrote a story about Mother Jones journalist and Takoma Park resident David Corn.

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